Title Department
Our Title Examiners
Ryan Wolter, Attorney/Examiner/REO specialist
Ryan began working for WTS in 2001 as our in house attorney and an examiner. He left in 2003 to work as a foreclosure attorney as well as to create and supervise an REO/Foreclosure closing department for a law firm. WTS was happy to welcome him back in 2006. Ryan is also a bilingual closer for all types of closings. rwolter@wititle.com
Jeff Jicha, Senior Title Examiner
Jeff started his career with Wisconsin Title in 1983. His expertise in all areas of title make him an asset to the company as well as our customers. He is a licensed title examiner with over 25 years of experience in residential and commercial titles. jjicha@wititle.com
Patrick Hannes, Title Examiner/Searcher
Patrick has been with us since February of 2020. He has brought his years of searching and title examining experience with him and we are happy to have him on our team. phannes@wititle.com
Tracey Lisko, Final Policies, Title Examiner
Tracey started with us in February 2013 as a Title Searcher. She worked at various law firms as a Legal Secretary in matters of foreclosure and bankruptcy prior to that. After a few years in the Title Searching Department, she joined the Final Policies Department and still continues work in both of these Departments with an emphasis of time in the Final Policies Department. tlisko@wititle.com